Today, Venus in Scorpio travels over the South Node. At the same time, its dispositor Mars is retrograde. This combination of planetary events could strongly pull you towards some past love relationship or unrealized love story.
But be careful. When Venus is conjunct South Node it is a bad sign for love. It delivers your past lives' love affairs which you have already ended and moved on from. It will trick you into thinking that it's destiny, and in reality, it's just a losing game.
The problem is, when you run into them, you suddenly feel irresistibly drawn into them. You feel them strongly and deeply (especially if the conjunction is in Scorpio, as is now), and find it extremely hard to let go. You don't even think about it. You somehow recall certain memories of an old love, and you just stand there obsessed and confused about why you feel like you know this person from somewhere before. Like you have already been in a relationship with them. Like you are meant to be.
The answer lies in the South Node. It is a point of the past and of that which you have already experienced. Something that is already well known. Something you have learned and mastered, and you don't need anymore.
Venus conjunct South Node takes you back through past emotional experiences and evokes memories of something very familiar and close to you, that you feel completely and undoubtedly belongs to you. And you want it at all costs because it is more intimate and intertwined with your deepest desires. It feels much stronger than anything else.
What you don’t realize is that it is just a memory. Just an echo of past feelings. If you dive into them again, you will go through the same stories and the same endings you already went through. You will fight the battles that are long over. Eventually, you will find yourself where you are now, realizing it was all for nothing, and that you are just going in circles. The love story you are chasing is already over. Somewhere back in the past (life).
Your future and your progress are on the other side - where the North Node is. To move forward you must let go of everything that binds you to the South Node. Let go or be dragged.
Don't let these energies confuse you. Resist the urge to open old cellars that you have long since locked up. There is nothing there that would benefit you and make you happy. On the contrary, you will only miss new and better opportunities. You must consciously strive to follow the path of your North Node. Free yourself from the heavy shackles of the past.